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Cancellation and Refund Policy:


Cancellations must be made no later than the calendar day directly prior to that of client’s scheduled luggage transfer day. A full refund will be made if so.


Cancellations on day of will receive no refund.


Upon Proof of a Cancelled Ferry or Plane, or a Significantly Delayed Ferry or Plane (information must have been provided during booking);


If client's ferry or plane is indefinitely cancelled, client may choose a 50% refund or reschedule, based on availability.


If client's ferry or plane is significantly delayed, client must remain contactable through text or call in order schedule new pick up or drop off times. The Luggage Trolley and the client will try their best to fulfill booking.


If rescheduling is unavailable, client will receive 50% refund upon proof of cancellation or delay.


If The Luggage Trolley needs to cancel a client’s reservation due to unforeseen circumstances, we will provide a full refund and attempt to contact client as soon as possible.


Late Policy:


*Does not apply to cancelled or significantly delayed flights or ferries that were previously provided during booking.


Arrival Luggage Service:


Note: The Luggage Trolley will arrive at client's ferry or plane terminal any time within the pick up time window (within 30 minutes after scheduled arrival time), and drop off time window between 4 and 6pm at client’s accommodation. Clients are required to be at both locations during these times, unless client authorizes us to drop off their luggage without a recipient present (regardless of weather).


Client will have a 15 minute time window upon The Luggage Trolley's arrival at both Pick Up and Drop Off time windows of their scheduled times before The Luggage Trolley will leave location, and with luggage if it is currently in our possession. If client is late, The Luggage Trolley will attempt to pick up and/or drop off when and if availability allows us and client will be subject to our LATE FEE ($50) per attempt and may be subject to our AFTER HOUR FEE ($75) if drop off is past 8pm.


No refunds if we cannot accommodate 1. client’s tardiness or 2. if client decides on the day of to arrive on a later ferry or plane. 



Departures Luggage Service:


Note: The Luggage Trolley will arrive any time within the pick up time window (8am to 9:30am) at client's accommodation, and client’s chosen drop off time window (30 minute time window specified during booking questionnaire) at client's ferry or plane terminal. Clients are required to be at both locations during these times.


Client will have a 15 minute time window upon The Luggage Trolley's arrival at both Pick Up and Drop Off time windows of their scheduled times before The Luggage Trolley will leave location, and with luggage if it is currently in our possession. If client is late, The Luggage Trolley will attempt to pick up and/or drop off when and if availability allows us and client will be subject to our LATE FEE ($50) per attempt and may be subject to our AFTER HOUR FEE ($75) if drop off is past 8pm.


No refunds if we cannot accommodate 1. client’s tardiness or 2. if client decides on the day of to depart on a later ferry or plane.


***Once client’s time window expires, The Luggage Trolley is authorized to leave with client’s luggage and our SHIPPING POLICY will go into effect if we cannot accommodate their tardiness by end of day.




In the unfortunate event that you need to leave Nantucket without your luggage in your possession, we have a policy in place based on cause.


1. If cause is due to the clients’ tardiness, a $200 shipping fee will be charged, PLUS standard shipping fees. $200 will be paid directly to The Luggage Trolley. And must be paid before luggage is shipped. The Luggage Trolley will also charge the client any standard shipping fees that incur from any shipping company (UPS, FED EX, etc.) Luggage will be shipped via OVERNIGHT shipping, unless otherwise requested by client.


2. If cause is due to the fault of The Luggage Trolley, a full refund will be issued to client, and client's luggage will be shipped overnight from first available shipment times and The Luggage Trolley will absorb any due costs.




The Luggage Trolley is not responsible for any loss or damage of client’s luggage. Please use our service at risk and recognized wear and tear. Client agrees not to hold The Luggage Trolley responsible for any property of significant value.




Client agrees that there are no illegal or prohibited items inside their luggage including but not limited to; illegal drugs, fire arms, flammable liquids, lithium ion batteries, live animals etc.. The Luggage Trolley will not be held responsible for any of these types of items, nor the prosecution of wrongful possession of items and client will take full responsibility for their property.


Client agrees that no contents of their belongings are sensitive to heat or cold, contain any perishable foods, nor are fragile.


Client agrees that if they give permission upon booking to leave luggage unattended at scheduled location and time, The Luggage Trolley is not responsible for any inclement weather following its drop off. It is the responsibility of the client to be assure their luggage is unweathered.




LATE FEE: $50 (per occurrence)


AFTER HOURS FEE: $75 (after 8pm)


SHIPPING FEE: $200 (plus standard shipping fees)


CHANGE FEE (DAY OF): $50 (based on availability)


By booking our services, client agrees to previously listed Polices and will refrain from holding The Luggage Trolley responsible for any loss or damages to their personal property and/or time.

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